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Turning Points — June 2017
In this issue: (click to go to that section)
Director's Reflections — Lifestyle Choices that Matter to Cancer
by Jan Adrian, MSW

Dear Friends,

Our workshop on Cancer and Nutrition was just a few days ago, so my mind is spinning with all the information we received. We already know that the food we put in our mouths is vital for either the progression or regression of cancer, but Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, also talked about other lifestyle choices we can make to create an optimal terrain.

Just to review — there are two ways of dealing with cancer. One is to attack the tumor. The other is to create a terrain in the body that is not conducive to the growth of cancer. If one only attacks the tumor, and doesn't do anything to change the terrain that promoted its growth, the chances of a recurrence are 70% (ACS statistic). Part of what contributes to that is the treatments used that are also cancer-producing. Radiation and chemotherapy are both causes of cancer. And it seems surgery often causes cancer to spread. If we are going to use these treatments, there are many things we can do to protect our bodies during treatment.

So, what are some of the lifestyle choices and practices we can employ to create that optimal terrain that doesn't support the growth of cancer? This list of 10 is taken from the handouts for the workshop. (COPYRIGHT © 2017 OPTIMAL TERRAIN CONSULTING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.)

  1. Eating organic, non-GMO, local whole foods that are seasonal, nutrient-dense and very low glycemic
  2. 9 cups of veggies/day — 3 cups leafy greens, 3 cups cruciferous vegetables, 3 cups colorful veggies
  3. Daily mindfulness/meditation/prayer practice (GPS for the Soul, HRV monitor, Headspace, MBSR)
  4. Time in nature daily, laying on the earth, walking barefoot on the dewy grass each morning, Forest Bathing
  5. Cultivating a nurturing support network
  6. Clean air, purified water
  7. Earthing, avoidance or moderation of EMFs
  8. Grow a garden and/or indoor plants
  9. In bed by 11 pm in complete darkness
  10. Run all body care products and household products through Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org)
In Chapter 2 of her book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, Dr. Winters offers a questionnaire to help readers identify and prioritize the potential drivers of their cancer process. The questionnaire is not intended to diagnose or treat, but rather simply to heighten our awareness. It certainly did that for me. It's like looking under the hood to see where the imbalances might be. The headings of the Ten Terrain Assessments are:
  1. Genetics and Epigenetics
  2. Blood Sugar Balance
  3. Toxic Burden
  4. Microbiome and Digestive Function
  5. Immune Function
  6. Inflammation
  7. Blood Circulation and Angiogenesis
  8. Hormone Balance
  9. Stress and Biorhythms
  10. Mental and Emotional Health
Turns out, my highest score was in the Stress and Biorhythms section. I was surprised at some of the questions in there. I was not aware that some of my "bad habits" could be contributing to my cancer growth. Now it's up to me to decide if I will do something about it. I've been a night owl for as long as I can remember, seldom going to bed before midnight.

I know I'm repeating myself, but again, I highly recommend The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, by Nasha Winters, ND, and Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT. It has opened my mind to so many possibilities and options that I can use to create a healthier terrain. I feel more empowered than ever to take charge of my own health.

As always, I welcome your comments; to reply please click here.

In the Spirit of Healing,

Jan Adrian's signature
Jan Adrian, MSW
Founder and Executive Director


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