I prefer writing a blog when I have some new information or have made a new decision, but maybe it’s useful for you to know that I’m confused and don’t know what to do. My guess is that you’ve been there too. I’m in a decision making process on several treatment issues.

I last wrote about using cannabis as a cancer-fighting substance. I stopped it about 6 weeks ago because I couldn’t function with the “high.” I was on a hike in the mountains and realized my depth perception and my balance were both off enough that it felt dangerous. I was also having trouble focusing on work. I feel like I need a guide to help me use it. I found Sean Devlin, DO (http://www.highlandspringswellness.com/seandevlin.html), a doctor in Nevada City, who is an international expert on the subject. He travels and speaks internationally on the subject of cannabis and cancer. A consultation with him isn’t available till late September. One of his patients has created a website with lots of information (http://cannabis-cancer-info.org/).

I have been learning more about the correlation between dental procedures and cancer (https://www.hugginsappliedhealing.com/). I have been thinking about having my tooth removed that had a root canal done when I was 13. I have searched for a biological dentist (specially trained to do this work) and have consulted with two different ones. One of them says I need to have the tooth pulled, a crown replaced, and several fillings replaced. Yesterday I met with another one who took a three dimensional x-ray of my mouth and said there is no infection in the tooth with the root canal and it doesn’t need to come out. He said I do have infections in the cavitations where my wisdom teeth were pulled and he recommends getting those cleaned out. The first biological dentist didn’t mention those. This is another example where intuition has to come in. I need to decide who I will believe and what treatment to follow through with.

My Naturopathic Doctor, whose protocol I have been following for many months, wants to change much of it. Because of the progression of disease, we need something stronger than what we have been doing. She is recommending four strong herbal products to add to what I am already taking. My intuition is that one of them is not right for me. I asked a very intuitive energy practitioner that I see regularly to check it out, and she said that one of them, Pacific Yew, wouldn’t be good for me. Same one my intuition said not to take. This is an example of how individualized cancer treatments need to be. Any recommendation is an opportunity to access ones intuition.

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