In the introduction to my blog, it has said, “This blog is about the six ‘treatments’ that I’m focused on to treat my tumor. They are the ones that Kelly Ann Turner found in her research that may elicit unexpected remission of cancer.”

I realized when I recently re-read that paragraph that it isn’t accurate. I’m not “treating my tumor.” I’m strengthening my body so it will no longer allow the tumor to grow.

One of the speakers at the conference I recently attended on “Advanced Cancer Strategies” was Dwight Mckee, MD. Although he is introduced as an integrative oncologist, he said there really isn’t such a thing as integrative oncology.

Oncology is defined as the study and treatment of tumors. Integrative cancer treatment doesn’t focus on the tumor. It focuses on the host and one’s innate ability to strengthen immune function. The microenvironment in which disease lives is as important to focus on as the tumor burden itself.

Instead of treating the tumor, the six treatments I am doing are all “inside jobs” and focus on creating a terrain that doesn’t support the growth of cancer.

I’m changing that introductory paragraph to say, “This blog is about the six ‘treatments’ that I’m focused on to create a terrain in my body that doesn’t support the growth of cancer. These six ‘treatments’ are the ones that Kelly Ann Turner found in her research that may elicit unexpected remission of cancer.”

Kelly Ann Turner will be one of the presenters at our free conference in Sacramento on September 8 & 9, 2012. I think you will be fascinated by what she presents. You can also read her PhD thesis, Spontaneous Remission of Cancer: Theories from Healers, Physicians, and Cancer Survivors, here.

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