I met with my oncologist to discuss the results of my 6 month PET/CT scan. The report used the phrase “progression of disease” and specified at least 6 new tumors in my lung. They are all measured in mm since they are less than 1 cm in size. The cancer is still very slow growing and not an emergency. I don’t have any symptoms. But if it keeps going like this, it’s a matter of time till I have symptoms and it becomes an emergency. I need to do something to stop the growth.

About the time that I received my results, I also got the news that Jeremy Geffen had died. Jeremy was a great integrative oncologist and a great person. I thought if anyone had the resources to overcome cancer, it was Jeremy. I thought, “What chance do the rest of us have if Jeremy couldn’t beat it?”

I had been following Jeremy’s cancer journey for the past few years in his blog, and it was devastating. Jeremy was diagnosed with high-grade soft-tissue sarcoma that metastasized to his bones and was very painful. He used his medical knowledge and connections to focus the best of Western medicine on treating his cancer. He said he was also using complementary modalities, but he didn’t write about them. The focus in his blog was mostly on the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation that he used to fight his cancer.

I heard Jeremy say frequently, The Essence of Healing is found in Focused Action and Intention . . . Wrapped in the Arms of Surrender.” In other words, we do our best with what we have, knowing that we are not in charge of the outcome.

As I am in the midst of deciding what to add to my personal healing tool box now, the information I am taking from Jeremy’s story is that conventional Western medicine may not offer the best choices for me.

There are several behaviors that can support my body in healing that I can up the ante on. I can be more conscious and more consistent in my exercise, imagery, meditation, and nutrition programs. I am feeling motivated to improve on all of those fronts.

I recently attended the Integrated Health Conference in San Diego and heard stories from and about people who have done various alternative therapies. The ones that resonate with me and that I am looking into now are Cannabis and dealing with my root canal tooth.

I heard Constance Finley speak about Cannabis and the blend of CBD and THC that she has developed that has led to the disappearance of cancer in many cancer patients (www.cbdfarm.org). Since she piqued my interest, I have found tons of information online from others who have had similar results (www.phoenixtears.ca teaches you how to make your own). There is a lot of agreement about what blend really works to kick cancer. I have found a local source of that blend that is more affordable than some of the others, so I’m giving it a try. This is taken for the purpose of medicine, and not to get high. I’m sorry that my source isn’t yet equipped to accept new patients, so I can’t share it with you.

Several speakers at the San Diego conference shared the experience of healing from cancer after removing a tooth with an infected root canal. I have one root canal that I’ve had since I was 13. It has recently gotten my attention by developing a little bump right behind it. I am looking for a biological dentist who is trained to treat this in a way that doesn’t spread the infection. If you have had any experience with this, I would love to hear about it, and get the name of the dentist.

I am also continuing to work with my Naturopathic Oncologist and following her recommendations on which supplements to take. She made several other suggestions that I need to think about more before I’m ready to take the plunge. More about those next time.

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